WINCHESTER Cathedral is offering a new service - a chance to be still and do nothing.

A Cathedral Stillness will be held in Epiphany Chapel every Wednesday morning from 8.40am-9.10am.

The Rev Canon Roly Riem, canon pastor and missioner, said: "Everyone is welcome to come along. I often feel like there is not a moment in the week when I can gather up my worries and swirling thoughts and find a point of calm and peace.

"Cathedral Stillness gives me the chance to sit in the company of other seekers and unburden myself. I think some people worry that behind their business there might not be much to discover - maybe a rather uncomfortable space that feels empty and frightening. Our experience is that often we find a fullness, a presence, whom we name as God."

He added: "The format is very simple - somebody gives us a thought on which to ponder, we keep silence for about 20 minutes and then we end with some simple prayers.

"There are no experts, but we are all prepared for the adventure, which often includes the organ playing in the background."