OVERJOYED New Forest students have celebrated yet another record year of A-level results.

Colleges across the district followed the national trend and reported results that once again better previous years.

Some of the most ecstatic scenes were at Brockenhurst College, where the pass rate was 98 per cent, and 100 per cent pass rates were achieved in 28 subjects.

Mobile phones were in high demand as students frantically called their families to report the good news.

Many students opted to pick up their results online - a first for Brockenhurst - but scores attended the college in the early morning to open their envelopes.

At Brockenhurst, 74 per cent of the passes were grades A to C - up one per cent on last year. A total of 41 students gained three or more grade As and will be going to the university of their choice.

Principal Di Roberts said: "We have 2,500 students picking up results today and many of them are getting their results online.

"Our students have achieved 110 grade As in science and maths, which we are really pleased about, as it seems to buck the trend of science not being such a popular subject to study.

"The pass rate and increase in top grades, together with outstanding International Baccalaureate results, reflect the ability and hard work of both students and staff."

One of the stars in the A-level results at Brockenhurst was 18-year-old Ian Chuter, from Totton, who gained A grades in maths, physics, computing, electronics and woodwork. He scored one of the top five marks nationally in physics.

He will be starting a degree in electrical engineering at Southampton University in October. Ian said: "I'm really pleased, and excited about going to university. I'm looking forward to celebrating."

Vicky Warren, 16, had her dad Chris with her when she picked up her AS-level results from Brockenhurst.

Vicky, from Sway, got As in chemistry, maths, physics and sports studies.

She said: "I'm really pleased. My results are better than I expected."