A BUNNY boom has left one of the county's largest animal shelters bursting at the seams and unable to take in any more of the creatures.

The Stubbington Ark normally houses around 30 rabbits at any one time but at the moment it is currently providing shelter for almost 100.

The problem is so serious that the Ark now has a waiting list of people wanting to bring their unwanted rabbits to the shelter.

Staff are now appealing to Daily Echo readers to think before they buy a bunny and consider whether they have enough time to give these furry animals the care and attention they need.

In a bid to halt the rise in rejected rabbits, the Ark is already trying to show pet owners the real commitment needed to look after these popular pets through a series of animal workshops held at the centre.

Vanessa Eden, fundraising manager at the Ark, said: "We have 92 rabbits and a waiting list for people wanting to bring more to us. Unfortunately the rabbit is still the most abandoned and unwanted pet around. They do not make the best pets for children because they need a lot of attention.

"One problem is that pet shops sell the customer only one rabbit, when they are supposed to be in pairs for company. The poor rabbit gets bored out of its mind while the owner is at work and school and then it bites and is brought here.

"Or the owner buys two rabbits, not knowing their sex, does not get them spayed or neutered and ends up with a pregnant rabbit which again is brought to the Ark. The good news, however, is we are slowly getting the message across with our workshops and we are seeing some of our rabbits being adopted as a result of these."

o If you could give a rabbit a good home contact Stubbington Ark on 01329 667541.