A RADICAL shake-up designed to attract a younger audience has failed to halt a decline in BBC Radio Solent's audience ratings.

When bosses wielded the axe on much-loved presenters, loyal listeners lashed out in an ageism row - and after almost a year the audience reduction continues.

Latest figures show the station shed 6,000 listeners and saw its market share drop from 10.6 to 9.9 per cent in the past quarter.

The listening figures for June, released by Radio Joint Audience Research Limited (RAJAR), show the station is 21,000 listeners down on last year's 296,000.

The results will come as a blow to local BBC chiefs, who hoped a small upturn in March showed signs of a revival following the sacking of high-profile presenters.

Peter White, Dennis Skillicorn, Chris Walker and Pippa Greenwood were axed in November as part of a shake-up at the Southampton based station as it tried to appeal to younger listeners.

Favourite Richard Cartridge also left following the changes and was snapped up by smaller rival Original 106FM.

The shake-up sparked anger from loyal listeners and the row reached boiling point when station manager Mia Costello sent an internal memo to staff - leaked to the Daily Echo - urging presenters not to put callers on air who sounded over 65.

A BBC spokesman said: "Audience figures do go up and down, especially when there are changes to line-up as we introduced at BBC Radio Solent late last year.

"In the last six months since we made the changes, the figures do show a slight drop, around 5,000 listeners, against a regular audience of more than 275,000.

"We're extremely happy that the new Radio Solent line-up retains some of the best of the past, but has introduced a new, more lively approach fitted for 2007 and the years ahead."