A PIG had a lucky escape after firefighters rescued it from a drain in Hampshire.

The pig had become lodged down the drain near the banks of the River Hamble at Fairthorne Manor in Botley Road, Curbridge.

Control Room staff mobilised a crew from Botley Fire Station and the Multi Roll Vehicle (MRV) from Eastleigh to the scene along with Rural Safety Officer, Jim Green.

Working in partnership with a vet and RSPCA officer, they managed to safely extract the animal from the confined space.

Rural Safety Officer, Watch Manager Jim Green, said: "We were called to reports of a five-year-old Gloucester Old Spot cross Middle White pig trapped in a drain. It was important for us to get the animal out as quickly as possible as she was quite stressed by the experience.

"Working together we dug around the animal, removing brickwork until we were able to put a five metre strop around her. Then we were able to pull the pig out using manpower before she was checked over by a vet and given some fresh water to drink."