Animal welfare experts have launched a crackdown on Hampshire podgy pooches.

Yesterday celebrity vet Joe Inglis was on Southampton Common trying to collar dog walkers whose pets were too large.

Staff from animal charity the RSPCA teamed up with Joe for the Pets Get Slim road show to get pooches on the weighing scales in a bid to curb pet obesity.

The plump pooches were put on a weighing scale and given a target weight before receiving a goody bag containing diet and pet care tips.

One Southampton resident who was advised to cut out treats for her podgy pooch was Margaret Eastman after her Labrador Tansy tipped the scales.

Margaret said: "She's 32 kilos and they said I should get her down to 29 because it's effecting her health at the moment. But she has had a shoulder problem and we are back out walking again now so she should lose the weight."

For tips on keeping your pet slim click HERE