The RSPCA believes half of all dogs and cats in the UK are overweight and are hoping to solve the obesity crisis with a new web site and road show.

Now they have joined forced with Blue Peter vet and star of Vets in Practice Joe Inglis to back their campaign.

Yesterday they were on Southampton Common giving advice to dog walkers and weighing their pets.

Joe said: "It's all about helping people help their pets lose weight because obesity is probably the most crucial pet health problem facing our pets in this county at the moment.

"We have a real selection in Southampton. We have had a lot of slim dogs but I guess that's because we are in a park. But there has been a fair share of overweight dogs with one real whopper of a dog called Tyson who was a good 50 per cent above his ideal weight."

Top tips to avoid your pet becoming obese.

Don't give in to begging - as soon as you've given them one treat, they'll want more. Only give them healthy snacks at set times such as before bedtime.

Give your pet attention, not treats - show your pet you love them with an extra tummy rub or stroke, instead of giving them a treat.

You are not being cruel by cutting down their food! A healthy, slim pet will be much happier than an overweight pet.

Dry food is much more filling than it looks - dry dog and cat food swells up when it reaches the stomach, so what looks like a tiny portion will still fill your pet up.

Neutering does not cause obesity! - some people worry that their pet will gain weight if neutered. Neutering can slow the metabolism, but it shouldn't lead to weight gain if you reduce the amount of calories they eat.

Talk to the neighbours - cats are masters of finding well-meaning neighbours for an extra meal, so it's worth making sure your cat isn't popping out for a second dinner every night.

For more information on the campaign visit