A FORMER student woke up in a stranger's bed with her hands tied after getting drunk on a night out, it was alleged.

The 23-year-old had knocked back so many glasses of spirits and cocktails she would have been more than three times the drink-driving limit at the time, Southampton Crown Court was told.

Jurors saw security camera footage of her twice falling over after leaving a Bedford Place bar and the prosecution claim she was "so completely out of it" she was incapable of giving consent for sex.

Pierre Nijimere and Shesa Sano deny rape charges, but lawyer Janice Brennan alleged: "She was used and abused by these two men who took advantage of the fact she was completely unable to exercise any will over what happened."

The alleged victim said she was on her way home when she heard sexual comments being shouted at her and was then approached by two or three men.

"I told them I had a boyfriend and to leave me alone," she recalled. "Then I don't remember too much. I felt a hard impact to my face and I fell backwards, probably onto concrete.

"My next memory was waking up. I didn't recognise where I was. I felt as though I had been hit hard in the head. I couldn't move my hands because I was restrained."

The woman claimed a stranger in the room stroked her head and whispered in her ear, "Your boyfriend did it to you."

"I didn't know what he meant," she said. "I had not been out with him that night."

After he left, she decided to "get the hell out of it. I ran down the stairs, opened the front door and ran home."

Nijimere, 38, denies two counts of rape and Sano, 27, denies one charge of rape and one of false imprisonment.

Both men, who live in Coventry Road, Southampton, claimed that sex was consensual.
