HOW spooky is Hampshire?

That's what a group of paranormal investigators is hoping to find out.

The UK Paranormal Research Society (UKPRS), which is based in Hampshire, is launching a new project to find out more about the haunted locations of the county.

They are asking members of the public if they own a house, pub or other property which they think might be haunted and are willing to have a team spend the night running experiments in it.

The investigations are run on a voluntary basis but may give the property owners an interesting insight into who or what is sharing their space.

Whether owners have witnessed poltergeist activity, heard footsteps when there was no one there, felt cold spots, seen orbs, heard voices or just had the strong feeling that there was another worldly presence in their property the group want to hear from them.

UKPRS has carried out overnight paranormal investigations in suspected haunted buildings across the country.

The researchers use seances to attempt to contact spirits who may be dwelling in a property as well as crystals, automatic writing, psychic art and mediums.

They also attempt to take a more scientific approach to their work, using EMF readers, Dictaphones, night vision cameras and more.