A LIFEBOAT crew left high and dry by a fire on its only craft while responding to an emergency has had its own distress call answered by a Hampshire department store.

Solent Rescue's boat has been out of action since July because of damage caused by the blaze during an operation to save an overturned catamaran.

As reported in the Daily Echo, the Lepe-based crew appealed for help in raising the thousands of pounds needed to get their craft shipshape again.

Since the electrical fire, the trained team of rescuers has endured a frustrating two months stuck on dry land.

However, staff at John Lewis in Southampton have now waded in to offer their support, providing £11,000 to help get the boat back on the water.

Solent Rescue's senior coxswain, Ian Blomquist, said that he is delighted with the donation, which has allowed the crew to buy a new, more efficient and less polluting engine.

"They have saved our lives and probably those of others as well," he said.

For the full story see today's Southern Daily Echo.