SOUTHAMPTON gang has been jailed for a total of nearly 30 years for launching a vicious firebomb attack on a pub where they thought their enemies were drinking.

Members of the self-styled Thornhill Boyz attacked The Castle pub in Bitterne believing their bitter rivals the Townhill Park Boyz were inside.

Southampton Crown Court heard the mob of nine tried to smash windows before going inside armed with a handgun and a Molotov Cocktail.

Fortunately the firebomb failed to smash, though one man still suffered burns to his arm after the petrol leaked out and caught alight.

Likewise the handgun also failed to discharge preventing serious injuries to those inside the bar.

Sentencing them, Judge John Boggis QC, said: "A gang culture in this city is wholly unacceptable.

"It should be identified for what it is - groups of immature, feckless, work shy youths picking fights for the fun of it, simply because people live in another road."

The prosecution told how the gang had been drinking at the Exford Arms in Harefield, before heading to The Castle.

They arrived at the pub in two cars, one driven by mum-of-one Chloe Johnson and the other by another girl, Sarah Hamby, who had no further part in the attack.

When the two cars arrived at The Castle, they parked up out of sight of the pub and all the males got out. At least two of them went into the pub, one armed with a handgun.

Describing the moment the firebomb landed, one witness, Sarah Wing, said in a statement: "The flames at the bar caused pandemonium - people were screaming and shouting."

Customer Andrew Jannaway was standing by the bar when the bomb landed next to him.

Prosecutor Christopher Stopa, said: "Mr Jannaway could smell burning hair and petrol. He said 'the flames burned off the hairs on the entire length of my forearm. Had I been standing one pace to my left I could have been engulfed in flames."

In mitigation the youngsters' barristers said the attack was a one-off and also denied they were part of a gang.

But the court also heard some of the group had adopted gang names such as Woo-kid, Mach 10, Fat Rat and Boogzy.

As the sentence was announced, the youngsters, all dressed in sportswear, stared stony faced at the judge. The only female member of the crew, 22-year-old mother-of-one Chloe Johnson, sobbed as she was led from the dock.

There were also gasps from the packed public gallery as friends and family of the youths realised the enormity of the sentences that had just been passed.

DI Kath Barnes, who led the investigation, welcomed the sentences.

She told the Daily Echo: "I'm very pleased with the sentencing. The judge made it perfectly clear that gang violence on our city's streets is wholly unacceptable.

"This sends out a strong message to any young people who are currently involved in gang membership.

"It is important to any parent to be aware of what has happened in this court today, and ensure they are aware of what their children are involved in.

"It is important they distract their children from any involvement in gang membership."