ARSONISTS in a Hampshire community have been striking fear into residents in the area following a spate of deliberately set fires.

Now Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service have put Chandler's Ford residents on alert after a series of blazes which destroyed sheds, trees, gates, fences and wheelie bins.

Gardens backing onto a footpath, behind Purkess Close, off Brownhill Road, have been targeted in late night attacks while many residents have been asleep.

In one of the worst incidents two sheds were destroyed after being torched. A wheelie bin was set on fire and then rolled into a fence, which was engulfed in flames, less than a foot away from a bungalow.

Terrified residents, who do not want to be named for fears of reprisals, fear that lives could be lost if the fire raisers are not caught soon.

Now the hunt for the arsonists has been stepped up and the Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service's Arson Task Force, which works jointly with the police, is helping to spearhead the investigation.

Arson alert signs have been put up at both ends of the tree lined footpath.

Leaflets have also been dropped on doormats across the neighbourhood warning residents that an arsonist is at large. Anyone with information about deliberate fire setting is urged to call the Arson Task Force or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

A Hampshire Fire and Rescue spokesperson said: "Following a number of relatively minor fires and recently a couple of more serious fires in the area we have put up notices asking for witnesses to come forward. We have also done a leaflet drop. One person has already called Crimestoppers and we are investigating the information we have been given."

When the Daily Echo visited the area residents were anxious not to be identified for fear of being targeted next.

A 60-year-old man, who lives in Purkess Close, raised the alarm following the latest incident.

He said: "I had been out walking my dogs at about 10pm. When I got home I could smell smoke and thought someone had a bonfire. But when I closed the window I could see flames licking the trees. I then called the fire brigade."

He added: "It is frightening to think that some lunatic is going around doing this. If they are setting fire to sheds and fences they might not stop at this and could start on houses and cars next."