A British member of the European Parliament suffered a "massive fall from grace" today when he was jailed for nine-months for falsely claiming benefits of more than £65,000.

But 71-year-old Hampshire MEP Ashley Mote, a former Ukip representative, will retain his seat in Europe because he would only have been disqualified if he had received a term of imprisonment of more than 12 months.

The father-of-two, who is an MEP for Alton and lives in Binstead, was found guilty of 21 offences following a four-week trial at Portsmouth Crown Court.

During sentencing, Judge Richard Price told Mote: "To say that this case has ruined you is an understatement, it is a tragedy.

"You have worked amazingly hard as an MEP. Nevertheless, the charges of which you have been convicted can only be met by a custodial sentence, nothing else would be appropriate."

The offences, totalling £65,506, occurred between February 1996 and September 2002 while Mote was living in Langley, West Sussex.