Managers, please email Under 11 match reports to

Match reports need to be received by 6pm on the Tuesday after the game.

Match reports can be as long or as short as you like but please try and limit them to about 800 words, this is roughly the equivalent to one and a half pages of typed A4.

All match reports will be vetted peior to being entered on the site.

Match reports must not include accusations of foul play or cheating directed towards the opposistion or match officials or any material considered to be unsuitable for children.

Photographs may be submitted with a match report to be used on the website with the report, another nice thing to have is a quote from the manager about the game.

Match reports can be submitted by the Home and Away team, if 2 reports are received for the same game then the Home teams match report will be used on the site, however all reports will be sent on to the Pink for publishing.

On ocassion a Tyro official may come along to watch a game and may write a match report themselves to go on the website.

Please remember that the home team must report their result to Len on the day of the game.

Len needs to know the Full Time score and the goalscorers from both teams. Failure to supply this information wiil lead to the result not being updated until the result card arrives.