Motorists were today facing major delays yet again on one of the major routes into Southampton.

Just weeks after traffic cones and contraflows were lifted ahead of schedule on Millbrook Road, motorists were today bracing themselves for hours of delays.

The eastbound carriageway of Millbrook Road West was due to be reduced to one lane in the run-up to rush-hour this afternoon.

Southern Water is carrying out "unforeseen" work at the turn-off leading to Paynes Road from 2pm onwards and company bosses expect disruptions to last for three hours.

Wide load lorries on their way to and from Southampton docks were due to be guided through the narrow sections of the coned-off lane as and when they arrived this afternoon.

Today's roadworks will be a painful reminder of the traffic gridlock and diversions experienced by many motorists earlier this summer.

The £1m resurfacing scheme, which ended four weeks early, saw the resurfacing of the westbound (towards the M271) carriageway from Payne's Road to 350 metres west of the Regents Park Road junction.