RESIDENTS have given the plans for a new Tesco superstore in Fareham the thumbs up despite concerns over the potential traffic chaos.

During a two-day public consultation, 82 per cent of comments received were in favour of the new supermarket being built on the derelict old Foundry site, off Quay Street.

Superstore giant Tesco is now preparing a full planning application in which they intend to give Quay Street roundabout a radical overhaul in a bid to ease traffic congestion.

Plans will show their intention to carve out a new lane through the middle of the roundabout to draw traffic heading from Gosport directly towards the motorway.

At the moment traffic problems are a major concern for residents because the junction of the A27 and A32 to and from Gosport is already a hot spot for queues.

If the proposals are given the go ahead by Fareham Borough Council it is hoped the store will be built within 12 to 18 months, generating more than 300 jobs for the area.