THE gauntlet has been thrown down - and now die-hard Neil Diamond fans across Hampshire have been challenged by one of Europe's best tribute acts.

Having been a professional Neil Diamond tribute artist for more than 15 years and performed 4,000 shows, John Hylton believes any hardcore fan will leave his performance feeling as if they had just witnessed the real thing on stage.

To prove his point John and his band filled Fareham Shopping Centre with classic Diamond hits in the hope of showing fans that their show radiates the true spirit of the music legend.

In three short bursts of live music, John performed to shoppers to promote his two-hour show coming to Ferneham Hall on October 11.

John said: "I want to challenge Neil Diamond fans who think it is not possible for a tribute show to make them feel as if they have been to see the real thing to come and watch me and leave still holding that belief.

"The UK's leading Neil Diamond fan club have seen me and said that my show was stunning and that my voice was uncannily like Neil's and who am I to argue with that."

John proved a hit with crowds. Jackie Jackson, 61, from Highlands, was one of those fans.

She said: "He was brilliant. I have loved Neil Diamond for years and this performance was just as good as any I've heard before. This has made my day."