Popular broadcaster Peter White has been forced to call time on his three-year stint in charge at the Mash Tun in Winchester.

Mr White, the BBC's disability correspondent and a former presenter on Radio Solent until ousted last year, has run up five-figure losses while he and his family have been at the helm.

Mr White and his son Robin, daughter Cathy Sainsbury and son-in-law Bob, took over the pub in July 2004.

Initially they ran it with partners Jan and Jane Wisniewski, until the couple, in an amicable split, moved on to another pub about two years ago.

Now though Mr White and his family have severed their links with the pub and owner Enterprise Inns is looking for a new leaseholder.

The decision to quit has come despite Enterprise Inns investing £200,000 in a major expansion in 2005.

Mr White said: "We tried it for three years and it's a difficult market. It was a very big family commitment and we recently decided it was a bit too difficult.

"We didn't have quite the expertise and we weren't making money. I have come out having lost a five-figure sum. My children haven't lost, they were paid a salary.

"We have given it our best shot but you have to know when you are beaten."

Mr White, who lives in Winchester, said the site in Eastgate Street was too far from the heart of the city and lacked parking.

For the full story see today's Daily Echo