Women's breasts are not getting the support they need, a study showed today.

Dr Joanna Scurr's research revealed that between 45% and 60% of women in Britain experience breast pain when exercising, regardless of their breast size.

An A-cup woman could be prevented from doing sport just as much as a woman with a double F cup, the survey showed.

Breasts also bounce more during exercise - up to 8in (21cm) rather than the maximum 6in (16cm) bounce measured in past studies.

Bras are designed to stop breasts bouncing but Dr Scurr's research showed that breasts also move from side to side and in and out, and ordinary bras are not designed to cope.

The University of Portsmouth scientist also found that breasts move as much during slow jogging as they do at maximum sprint speed.

She said: ''There really are women who want to do exercise but who don't have the bras to cope.

''I know of a 16-year-old who was selected to play basketball for the county but she was told to give it up because she couldn't find a bra that made playing possible.

''Breast size and pain caused by exercise can be a real barrier to women doing exercise.'' Dr Scurr is working with bra manufacturers in Britain and globally which are vying to design a bra that can lessen movement in all three dimensions and reduce the pain factor.

Seventy women were recruited for the two-year study through the university's student and staff population, gyms and doctors' surgeries.

The University said it is the widest range of breast sizes ever studied and includes women with cup sizes from A up to a double J.

The glamour model Jordan has a cup size of F, six sizes smaller than Dr Scurr's biggest breasted subject, according to the University.

Each woman had to undergo a programme of tests during which a wide range of biomechanical measurements were taken.

Dr Scurr is presenting her findings at the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences annual conference in Bath on Friday, September 14.

Dr Scurr said: ''If women wear the correct form of support, if we can get that right, the use of pain medication is reduced and women can be active and lead healthy lives.

''Studies have shown that medication to reduce breast pain was only successful for 54% of women, but they had to put up with side-effects of the medication, whereas sports bras were shown to be successful at reducing breast pain for 80% of women, with no side-effects at all.'' She added: ''We are building up a database on breast biomechanics which we believe is the largest in the world.

''This information could be used to inform bra design, for clinical support, fundamental breast health research and to broaden understanding in this important area.''