POLICE will offer students safety advice during freshers' weeks at Hampshire's universities this term.

All students will be supplied with panic alarms, timer switches and ultra-violet pens courtesy of Hampshire Constabulary in an attempt to reduce the number of them becoming victims of crime.

Police figures show that one in three students is likely to become a victim of crime. Often they are in a more vulnerable position because they have just moved into a new area or are living away from home for the first time.

Crime prevention officers will be ready to offer advice and support to all students at freshers fairs at South-ampton University, Southampton Solent University, Winchester University and Sparsholt College.

Crime Prevention Officer Sarah Steege said: "We are providing students with some reassurance as they become acclimatised to their new environment and we are urging students to take a few precautions to ensure they do not become victims of crime.

"This is an exciting time for many young people; however we need students to recognise the risks surrounding them. We are also urging students to take a few moments to become accustomed with the local emergency contact numbers for Hampshire."

Hampshire Constabulary is offering students the following advice: l Lock doors and close windows every time you go out.

l Use an ultra-violet pen to mark all your property.

l Never leave valuables in your vehicle.

l Never flash your cash, mobile phone or MP3 player in public.

l Always walk home with friends after a night out.

l If you are a victim of crime, report it immediately to the police.