HOPES for a bypass to solve traffic jams in one of the New Forest's worst bottlenecks have been re-ignited.

For decades, proposals for a Lyndhurst bypass have been researched, discussed and then dropped time and again.

Now though Hampshire County Council has once again announced plans to look into the idea - and is asking for the input of the public.

The council's environment and transport select committee wants to hear evidence from people living in the area that one is needed so it can tell government chiefs why the road is vital and how it would be viable.

If the answer from residents is positive, the committee will then recommend a bid for regional capital funding for it in 2008.

District councillor and former Lyndhurst Parish Council chairman Pat Wyeth hopes the announcement will not lead to false hopes.

She said: "Lyndhurst cannot go on without some form of relief from the traffic - but we need it soon."

Possible routes considered in the past include cutting through the Forest from the A337 to the A35 and then across to Beaulieu Road, and there was also the possibility of a tunnel under Bolton's Bench.