SOLO sailor Adrian Flanagan is facing a race against time to negotiate the icy seas off northern Russia before winter makes the route completely impassable.

The yachtsman, who began his epic voyage to become the first man to single-handedly sail around the globe via both polar regions from Hamble two years ago, is currently stuck near the port of Tiksi.

Adrian and his support team in the UK are trying to decide the best route for him to navigate his stainless steel yacht Barrabas through the thick ice.

The 46-year-old father-of-two was due to join a convoy of ships following an icebreaker.

Progress has been painfully slow due to changing weather, making the narrow channels through the thick ice incredibly dangerous.

Because of the conditions Adrian believes the icebreaker's captain will be unwilling to lead the convoy through the treacherous ice, so he has been forced to accept his only other option.

He is now reluctantly heading back to Tiksi, from where he will hitch a lift on a cargo ship due to arrive in the port soon.

The hope is that the cargo boat will be able to give him a piggyback through the thick ice, to safer water.