LIFELONG Paultons Park fan Mandy Mair has won her family a 12-month season ticket and a camera to snap all their favourite moments.

Mandy, from Chandler's Ford, has been picked as the winner of the Daily Echo's Photo Magic Competition, run in association with Paultons Park.

It was Mandy's arty shot of the park's Stinger rollercoaster, taken through the trees with greenery and flowers framing the ride, that won her the top prize.

Housewife Mandy, a mum of four, said: "We go to Paultons Park quite a bit as a family. My eldest child is 15 now and we have been going since before she was born - we used to go when it was just an animal park.

"As soon as I took the photo I thought it could be a winner because of the way it came out, with the flowers and shrubs framing it.

"We will be using the season ticket a lot over the next year."

Daily Echo readers have been submitting their photos taken at Paultons Park and a winner has been chosen each week, winning a family ticket and getting their photo published in the newspaper. Mandy was picked as the overall winner.