HUNDREDS of thousands of pounds will be invested in the New Forest's public loos - but you won't want to be caught short in some neighbourhoods.

The vandalised public toilets in two Forest neighbourhoods are set to be scrapped altogether because of the amount of antisocial behaviour that centres around them.

Other dilapidated toilet blocks around the district will be either replaced or undergo a major facelift.

Fawley's public toilets, which have been shut for six months because of fire damage caused by vandals, will soon be demolished and will not be replaced. And the future of the loos at Eling Recreation Ground is also uncertain.

New Forest District Council's environment review panel made the recommendations concerning the toilets to Councillor Michael Thierry, environment portfolio holder.

Leigh Nash, who works in engineering at the council, surveyed the district's public toilets. He said: "The Fawley toilets have suffered badly from vandalism, fires have even been started in them. They are not used much either and nobody has asked us when they are re-opening, so the recommendation is for them to come down."

The toilets at Eling are also partially closed due to vandalism, but the district council signed a 99-year lease with Totton and Eling Town Council in the '90s to provide the facilities. It was agreed the district council would discuss with the town council whether the toilets are needed.

It was also recommended that the rusting toilet block at Barton on Sea is replaced within the next year, at a cost of £25,000. Fordingbridge's toilets are also due to be replaced next year, at a cost of £275,000.

The following year, the toilets at Keyhaven are expected to be demolished and replaced, costing £275,000. It was agreed the blocks in Ringwood and Winsor Road, Totton, need attention but their futures would be decided when ongoing improvements to the two town centres are complete.