HUNDREDS of people have joined forces in a hi-tech bid to find missing Hampshire school girl Rosemary Edwards.

A group has been set up on a social networking website, appealing for everyone to look out for Rosemary.

Photographs of the 15-year-old are posted on the Facebook website, along with a description of her and a video that appeared on Sky News of her parents making an appeal for her return.

The group was only set up on Thursday and more than 1,600 Facebook users from up and down the country had joined to give their support by Friday afternoon.

Joanna Forsyth, from Westbourne in Dorset, set up the group despite not knowing Rosemary or the Edwards family.

Joanna, 27, said: "I received an e-mail about her at work. I didn't think it was enough and I know how popular Facebook is, so I thought I would create a group and get the word out.

"I contacted her sister to make sure she was okay with the group and, as she's a member, she can feed any information back to her parents.

"I'm surprised how quickly it has grown. Hopefully Rosemary will make contact with her family soon."

Rosemary disappeared following a family argument that started because she lost her part-time job in a local shop. She has now been missing for ten days.

She is said to have been in a distressed state when she left the family home, in Wellington Close, on the night of September 4-5.

Since her disappearance, her distraught family has appeared on camera pleading with her to come home. On Thursday her father David Edwards told the Daily Echo he believes she is still alive. The next day police released family videos of the youngster which can be see on the Daily Echo website Anyone with information about Rosemary's whereabouts should call police on 0845 045 4545.