THE Solent LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership) is launching a package of support measures, including a ‘Brexit Readiness Pack’, to help businesses in the region plan for the impact of the UK leaving the EU.

The pack covers topics such as: where to begin; how to stay abreast of latest government changes and what financial support is available.

The LEP is also hosting a series of free Brexit masterclasses for businesses to meet with industry experts from across the Solent.

The first of these, Embracing the Opportunities and Facing the Challenges of Brexit, is on February 25, from 10am to midday, at Portsmouth International Port, and will focus on market diversification.

The LEP is also championing local businesses to provide feedback to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy on how the region is being affected by the Brexit process.

Gary Jeffries, Solent LEP chairman, said: “Business planning is key for any successful business. We are hoping that the support we are offering will provide businesses in the region with greater resilience to deal with whatever economic challenges and opportunities are on the horizon.”

The Solent LEP is also developing an online Brexit diagnostic assessment kit for businesses based in the region. It is due to be launched next month.

“Countdown to Brexit” is the theme of the partnership’s annual conference on March 12 at the Hilton at the Ageas in West End.

The event will be hosted by BBC business editor Simon Jack, who will give his insight into reporting on Brexit and chair a question time-style panel where delegates can pose their questions to the day’s speakers.

Among those libed up to speak at the conference are:

l Aart Hille Ris Lambers, UK Commercial Director at DP World Southampton, the UK’s most productive container terminal

l Neil Garwood, managing director at Southampton Airport

l Hannah Clipston, partner at law firm Irwin Mitchell

l Leigh Atkinson, local director at Metro Bank

There will also be an update from Gary Jeffries on the organisation’s important work to develop the region’s economic landscape and its vision for 2050.

Gary said: “Businesses are key drivers of the economy here in the Solent and Brexit is undoubtedly the biggest topic on their lips at the moment. We’re looking forward to discussing the opportunities and challenges our changing relationship with the EU may present for the Solent in particular, at what’s set to be our most action-packed annual conference to date.”

Entry is free but delegates must register to attend as spaces are limited.

To register visit

More information about the Brexit advisory masterclasses and the Brexit Readiness Pack is available on the LEP website.