AN EASTLEIGH man who had stopped taking anti-psychotic medication bashed his way into a former friend’s home and attacked him with a DVD rack.

Sean Burden also smashed plates over the head of his victim – who a judge said had done “absolutely nothing” to warrant the attack.

The victim was left with a dislocated shoulder and needing stitches to his face.

Appearing at Southampton Crown Court, Burden, 26, was given a suspended sentence.

The court heard the attack took place at the victim’s home in Southampton in February.

Prosecutor Dan Sawyer said the victim was at home when he heard a banging sound at the door and heard people kicking at it.

The victim went into a bedroom, closed the door and put his back to it to stop Burden, and another man, getting in.

But Burden and the other man, who did not participate in the attack, did get through.

Mr Sawyer said Burden then attacked the victim with plates and a DVD rack, causing a cut to his head and a dislocated shoulder.

Burden later texted the victim’s housemate, also friend of his, to apologise for the damage to the doors.

In mitigation, Chris Gaiger said Burden, who had no relevant previous convictions, had not been taking his anti-psychotic medication at the time of the incident – but had returned to taking it since.

In sentencing Burden, of Derby Road, Eastleigh, who pleaded guilty to causing actual bodily harm (ABH) and criminal damage, Judge Gary Burrell QC said: “This is what happens when you do not take your medication. He (the victim) did absolutely nothing and you caused him injury.

“Your mental health is being addressed and for that reason I will not send you to prison.”

Burden was sentenced to 12 months in prison, suspended for two years, with 200 hours unpaid work and 20 rehabilitation activity days.