AFC Bournemouth fan Paul Adlam is planning 'the best Christmas ever' after seeing his 'outrageous' bet on Friday Leicester-Southampton game net him £1,500 - for a £10 outlay.

The Betfred bookies said the Bournemouth father-of-two has made history as he was the only person in the world to bet on a 9-0 outcome in Leicester's favour - the giant score was also a record for the Premier League.

Paul was watching the match at his home when he noticed the score was 3-0.

A Betfred spokesman said: "He's got nothing against Saints but he noticed they were playing poorly and then someone was sent off and so he decided to lay an in-game bet."

At this point the odds were 150-1.

"The goals kept piling in but at 7-0 he thought it probably wouldn't work because it was a few minutes to go, so he went to bed. He has a telly in his bedroom and started watching it there and at 9-0 he started running round the bedroom. His wife asked him what was going on because he hadn't told her what he'd done!"

Paul told Bedfred that he finds 'outrageous' bets: "Keep the interest going, far more than the lottery" and that during the World Cup he won £1,600 by betting 4-3 on the France-Argentina clash.

Paul said: "When I told my wife we decided to put some of the win to pay off more of our mortgage, we've had a few drinks to celebrate and are going to have the best Christmas ever as a family. I couldn't believe I'd win so much for just £10."

Betfred said that he'd have won £5,000 if he'd laid the bet at the beginning of the game when a 9-0 score was at 500-1.

Befred boss Fred Done said: "It is amazing that a regular customer like Paul should win such a huge amount from a £10 wager. We've had issues with Leicester in the past when they won the League against the odds, which cost me a pretty fortune but no one, and I repeat - no one - saw a 9-0 win for the Foxes at Southampton!"