Home Bargains have released strict new rules on who can shop in their stores.

The budget chain - which has been deemed as an essential retailer by the Government - shared details in a bid to keep workers and customers safe.

Here's what you need to know.

What have Home Bargains said?

A spokesman from the chain said: "We are working tirelessly to ensure that we’re keeping our stores fully stocked and to continue to provide customers with the great products and service you’ve come to expect.

"We are taking all necessary steps to ensure the safety of everyone shopping and working in our stores."

These are the new rules for customers:

  • Social Distancing: They are limiting the number of customers permitted into each of their stores at any one time. If a store reaches its limit, team members will ask customers to queue outside until there is space. Staff have put signage and floor markings inside and outside all their stores.
  • Shop alone: They have asked custmomers to shop unaccompanied if at all possible.
  • In-store Cafes: The chain have temporarily closed all their in-store cafés.
  • Priority Access: When the queuing system is in place, staff are giving priority access to NHS and care workers - who will need to bring their ID when they shop. They are also giving priority access to disabled and elderly customers who may not be able to queue up for long periods of time. 
  • At the Tills: While staff are still accepting cash payments, customers are encouraged to pay by card, particularly by contactless or mobile, as much as possible. They have also increased the contactless payment limit to £45. Perspex screens have been installed on all tills to provide additional assurance for everyone. Floor markings have been introduced at all checkouts to help maintain a two metre gap when queueing up.
  • Opening Hours: They are open as usual - check the website for opening times.

What other measures are in place?

  • Signage: Posters will be displayed around the store which reinforce the importance social distancing, hand washing and respiratory hygiene.
  • Tannoy announcement: Audio messages will be played out to remind shoppers to socially distance.
  • Sanitising: Staff have access to sanitiser whenever they need it and shoppers will see them sanitising things like trolley and basket handles and other hand contact surfaces to keep everyone safe.