RUBBISH tips across Hampshire will re-open next week, it has now been confirmed. 

County bosses have confirmed that all 24 recycling centres in Hampshire, including the one in Millbrook, Southampton, will reopen on May 11. 

But civic chiefs warned residents and said that visiting a rubbish tip will be very different than it was before the coronavirus outbreak. 

 A number of measures will be in place in a bid to stop the spread of Covid-19. 

All Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) will be open from 10am to 4pm. 

Cllr Rob Humby, executive member for economy, transport and environment at the county council, said: “Now we have clarity from the government, we will be opening the HWRCs for those households where it is not possible to keep their waste at home during this time without causing a health risk.
"All sites will be operating with safe social distancing measures in place. This means that less people and vehicles will be allowed on site at any one time, similar to what residents are now used to at supermarkets, which will inevitably cause delays in entering and potential traffic queues.

"So, I would ask people to please be patient and considerate of others who live nearby and take the time to reconsider whether their journey is essential.”

As reported, all recycling centres were closed in March. 

The following measures will be in place across Hampshire’s network of HWRCs:

 Use of sites is only for essential disposal of waste whereby storing such waste causes a risk of injury or to health.

As per government guidelines, residents in the specified vulnerable category (those who are clinically extremely vulnerable, people over 70 and pregnant women) are strongly advised not to visit a site.

Restricted numbers of vehicles will be permitted to access the site at any one time and site staff will enforce this at the site entrance.

There will be staff at the entrance to each site, wearing a body camera, to manage the flow of vehicles. Security staff will be deployed at all sites and there will be a zero-tolerance approach to any form of abuse.

 New temporary barriers will be in place at the entrance to each site and used to mark out new parking arrangements with site staff guiding vehicles, from a safe distance, into spaces.

As far as possible, only one person per household should visit the HWRC.

Due to social distancing measures, site staff will be unable to provide any assistance with unloading material or carrying material. Residents are asked to bring only the amount of waste they can comfortably carry and empty into containers.

Trailers are not permitted. Enforcement of social distancing on site means severely reduced capacity for manoeuvring trailers. Vans should be bringing no more waste than that which would fit in an average saloon car boot.

Everyone must always keep at least a two-metre distance from others at all times.

Sites will accept all waste material streams, except for chargeable waste – soil, rubble, asbestos and plasterboard. However, some processors have shut down because of the COVID-19 pandemic and it is likely that some materials outlets may not be available in the short term. Please check the website before your visit to check if any specific material is not able to be accepted temporarily.

Reuse sales areas will remain closed. Where possible, please continue to store items of furniture which could be reused, donate to local furniture charities, or use online platforms.

The council also said that where residents or members of their households have had COVID19 symptoms in the last 14 days, they should not travel to or enter a HWRC.

After this period, any COVID-19 contaminated waste should be double bagged and put aside for 72 hours before being brought to a site.

The start date for the HWRC vehicle registration scheme has been postponed in light of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.