A SIX-year-old girl is spending her time in lockdown by helping to carry on the fight against cancer – armed with rubber gloves and dusters.

Madison Plowman is backing a “choresome” way to fundraise for Cancer Research UK as the charity vows to continue its life-saving work.

The youngster, whose mum Amy Johnson is a nurse working on the frontline delivering cancer treatment to patients, is donating pocket money from their household chores to vital research and she wants other children to follow her lead.

Daily Echo:

Madison is rallying people across Hampshire to clean up and cash in to help prevent the charity from losing out on crucial funding during these unprecedented times.

Amy, 32, is part of the Cancer Research UK research nursing team in Southampton, and usually treats lymphoma patients who are taking part in early phase clinical trials.

Amy has been part of the Cancer Research UK team for three years having qualified as a nurse at Portsmouth’s Queen Alexandra hospital before moving to Southampton.

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, she has moved across to help her NHS colleagues providing cancer treatment in a Covid-free hub set up at Spire Southampton Hospital to ensure patients can continue to receive their treatment safely.

Daily Echo:

Amy, who lives in Hedge End with husband Luke, Madison and their 18-month-old daughter Elsie, said: “When it comes to cancer treatments it’s not a case of one size fits all. Cancer Research UK and the research it funds will be hit hard by the current situation and it upsets me to think about what this might mean for people affected by cancer in the years to come.

"We need to do what we can to help more people survive.”

Amy added: “Madison loves helping mummy out and is always asking if she can get involved whether it’s dusting, weeding or cooking.

"I’m proud of her for embracing the fundraising challenge and doing her bit, no matter how small, to help.”

Cancer Research UK expects to see its fundraising income decline by up to 25 per cent in the next financial year as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

To get involved, visit cruk.org/fundraise.