THE Echo article by Ian Crump published on November 14, Pictures of ‘Fun moments on the ice frozen in time’ showed how much Southampton loved its ice rink and how people just love to skate.

Over 300,000 skaters a year regularly visited the Banister Court Ice Stadium in its heyday before being sold for property development.

The Echo article ‘Help shape new area of Southampton’ published on November 17, is calling for people to express their views on a new area in the City. The proposed Mayflower Quarter – so could there be a future for a new permanent ice rink in this development?

For the past 32 years people have continually, via the Echo letters page, voiced their wishes for the return of an ice rink in Southampton - now could be the opportunity to look to the future and bring back ice skating for all to the South Coast.

The planned Mayflower Quarter will cover over 200 acres, within which there will surely be enough space to incorporate an ice arena as well as other related leisure and sport activities.

There appears to be land becoming available. There are developers out there wanting to bring ice facilities to the South Coast - so I am calling on all skaters and lovers of the sport to join me in making our voices heard.

Visit: and register your interest for the new development in the Mayflower Quarter to include an ice rink.

Let’s fight once again to get an ice rink back in Southampton.

Let’s state our case whilst the masterplan is still in its early stages – If you would like to see a permanent ice rink back in the city once again, register your interest today at:

Edna Boden

Secretary, Southampton Ice Dance and Figure Skating Club