A SOUTHAMPTON gym has been shut down for "breaching covid restrictions".

Spartans Gym was forced to close in line with coronavirus restrictions on Tuesday.

City council officers alongside police raided the building in Millbank Street after unsuccessful attempts to speak with people inside.

Ten people were reported for summons and each was issued with a fixed penalty notice of £200.

Chief Inspector Ricky Dhanda said: “We attended Spartan gym on Millbank Street, Southampton at 3.49pm on Tuesday to assist our colleagues from Southampton City Council in relation to the ongoing breach of the current Health Protection Regulations.

“Ten people were reported for summons and issued with a fixed penalty notice of £200 each.

“The guidelines around indoor sports facilities are clear and it is disappointing that the gym continues to put everyone at risk.

“The city council leads on business breaches of the regulations and court proceedings are active in this case.

“We hope this sends out a message to other businesses that breaching the regulations will be dealt with robustly to keep everyone safe.”

In light of a new national lockdown, some businesses including leisure centres and gyms have been forced to close.

In November, Spartans Gym was previously made the subject to a prohibition notice.

Despite facing legal proceedings initiated by the Council, the gym continued to operate, even when Southampton was under Tier 4 restrictions.

Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Councillor David Shields said: “Along with our partners at Hampshire Constabulary we have taken decisive action to close Spartans Gym in order to protect the health of our communities in Southampton. While regular engagement with business owners is the council’s preferred route, given the extended offending and the refusal of those operating the gym to engage with either the police or Council, closing the premises was both lawful and proportionate.

“Such rapid growth in infections suggests that the new strain of the virus is present in Southampton. The new strain appears to pass from person to person even easier than before and this makes it a huge threat to our communities. With a national lockdown now in place, we ask the public to please follow and respect the restrictions."

To report a covid concern visit the city council website.