SOUTHAMPTON Airport’s decision to temporarily close sparked fears that the site is “hanging on by just a thin thread”.

From February 6 to March 7 Southampton Airport will open only Monday to Friday.

The news comes as airport bosses said the number of passengers dropped following the collapse of Flybe and the pandemic.

Steve Szalay, the airport’s operations director, said the decision “demonstrates the extremely difficult conditions we are currently operating in”.

But county leaders have called on local communities to support the airport.

It comes as a public consultation over plans to expand the runway by 164m was launched at the end of last week.

As reported, airport bosses previously said the future of the airport will be hanging in the balance if the plans are rejected.

But local councils and residents raised concerns over the impact the proposals would have on noise, pollution and the environment.

Mr Szalay said the decision to close the airport on weekends "has not been taken lightly". 

As previously reported, Eastleigh Borough Council may make a final decision on the plans as early as next month.

Borough council leader Cllr Keith House said: “This weekend closure shows how Southampton Airport is hanging on by just a thin thread and will take a lengthy time to recover, even with the vitally necessary runway extension”.

Ross McNally, chief executive at Hampshire Chamber of Commerce said “the  urgent necessity of approval for the extension of the runway to attract new airlines in support of business travel and leisure demand is paramount".

" I urge all with an interest in the growth of the Solent economy to speak up in support of our regional airport,” he added.

Eastleigh MP Paul Holmes added: “People should be under no illusions about how important Southampton Airport’s proposed runway extension is for the future of the airport and getting in new carriers.”

Last year British Airways  unveiled plans to fly from Southampton to holiday destinations in Europe.

But in official documents released last week airport bosses said the current runway length “prevents many airlines from operating their fleet from the site”.

Campaigners previously said they remain concerned about the plans.

Southampton Itchen MP Royston Smith said: “The Government is offering financial support. However, the airport also needs the full support of the local community to help safeguard its future."

But Southampton Test MP Alan Whiteheadadded: “It’s not surprising that the airport is having to close on certain days of the week. The Covid pandemic has been terrible not only for the aviation industry but for the wider leisure and tourism sectors. We will have to wait and see what the impact will be for the city, with few people travelling now this won’t be felt until later in the year.”