A SOUTHAMPTON business owner has claimed that planned roadworks will lead to congestion and affect trade for local shops.

David Tutt, the co-owner of SnowTogs - which sells skiing equipment - says his objections against the widening of Millbrook Road West were ‘ignored’ by Southampton City Council.

Mr Tutt said: "This will be catastrophic for all the businesses that front this road that are already reeling from Covid shutdowns.

"The scheme will 'go ahead' anyway but local residents should be aware of the consequences and inevitable trouble it will cause.

"Neighbouring roads will become 'rat runs' whereas at the moment the small service road was able to cope with local traffic."

The council’s planned works will start on Monday and are expected to last for 17 weeks.

The plans aim to "improve traffic flow and open the possibility of a Park and Ride system."

Daily Echo: Millbrook Road WestMillbrook Road West

It is planned that a new lane will be added to the main road and the adjacent service road between St George’s Avenue and Regent’s Park Road (which includes a row of shops) will become one-way (eastbound.)

The access road from Millbrook Road West onto the service road will also be removed.

Daily Echo: The plans for Millbrook Road WestThe plans for Millbrook Road West

Mr Tutt, whose shop is accessible by this road, said the plans will affect not only congestion but trade.

He said: “By making our service road one way, traffic cannot enter from the city centre direction and will have to use South Mill Road as way of getting to the shops or houses.”

Daily Echo: David TuttDavid Tutt

“How does this possibly fit in with needs to reduce pollution and traffic congestion?”

Previously, traffic passing the shops could turn into Regent's Park Road and back into the service road, though this will be prohibited.

A spokesperson for Southampton City Council said objections to the plans had been given "due consideration" and any "short term issues" will be outweighed by the long-term benefits of “reduced congestion and better public transport services.”

They added: “We will be monitoring the changes closely once they are in place and will ensure that new one-way restrictions are appropriately signed to help aid this process.” The spokesperson assured that “access to business will be maintained at all times.”

“We are also exploring additional traffic calming measures on the surrounding residential roads.”