WE went on a recent visit to Hilliers, gardens in Romsey.

Bitterly cold day with a little winter sun.

A real escape from home and you must pre book online.

We had a little difficulty with the online process so I rang and had a really nice chat with a friendly and knowledgeable man as I also had a few questions about accessibility.

Sadly their mobility scooters are unavailable due to the pandemic so we with some effort, loaded our own scooter into the car.

I was so excited to get out for a day after having had boring lockdown birthdays and had been feeling down.

So taking travel cups of hot tea, I highly recommend taking flasks to take hot sips, walking round the extensive grounds.

Such an enjoyable day.

Winter exposed the bare shape, form, texture and stature of all the trees. The energy in the pent up buds, leaves ready to burst into life.

The mistletoe high in the trees, glistening big bunches of green.

I saw the ice puddles that were broken hopefully by children, I could see them in my minds eye jumping up and down.

So sad not to see any children, as this is an educational place, perfect for home schooling trip.

A few early camelias in flower pink and red. A blaze of yellow winter acconites by Jermyns house. Some development works going on outside. A few snowflakes in the air. A brave little daffodil, just partly open. Strange to see and hear no activity on the frozen solid pond.

We were rewarded with glades of snowdrops looking completely happy and naturalised , then I was stopped in my tracks by the daphnes, a showstopper of mauve and pink, if there had been any warmth the scent would have been prolific, only a sniff of perfume.

After we went to Hilliers garden centre next door.

I bought myself a winter basket of flowers, daffodils and polyanthus. Taking a bit of Hilliers home, made my day.

Renee Kirby
