A SIX-year-old girl who lost both her arms and legs is walking 100 rounds of her house to raise money for a Southampton hospital.

Tanya Bahl from Crowthorne, near Bracknell, was admitted to PICU in University Hospital Southampton with severe Meningococcal Septicaemia in July 2018 when she was just four-years-old.

She spent close to four months in PICU and then around a year on the G3 Orthopaedics ward recovering from her amputations.

In September 2019, she was able to return home and is settling in with the use of her prosthetics.

Inspired by Captain Sir Tom Moore, the schoolgirl made the challenge to walk 100 rounds of the house on her prosthetics.

Her dad, Manuj, said: "We decided to raise money for the school and G3 ward, but had to start with just the school as the website did not have the option of doing a 50/50 split.

"Tanya skyrocketed through our £100 target for the school with the overwhelming support from the community and at the moment has raised £1,390 for the school."

Having smashed the target for her school, her family then decided to start the fundraising for G3 with a target of £500.

Within 12 hours, £500 had been raised and Tanya has now set at target of £10,000.

Manuj said: "Tanya has always been a very brave and resilient girl and just seeing her do the things we thought she would never be able to do, makes us immensely proud.

"She is a go-getter and does not stop when she puts her mind to something. Having made the commitment to her friends and the school on 10 rounds every day, she has been persistently doing it, whereas she was not doing more than two to three earlier.

"The support of the community has added to her resolve of completing her rounds daily."

G3 children’s orthopaedics is a 20 bed unit which caters for both district and tertiary orthopaedic surgery and trauma.

This includes trauma and rehabilitation.

The ward has two HDU beds to help support children undergoing spinal surgery.

To donate, visit www.justgiving.com/fundraising/tanyasacenturyforcaptaintom.