A SOUTHAMPTON drink driver caught driving without a licence or insurance was carrying cannabis.

Dariusz Jacek Bilip was caught drink driving on Highfield Lane in Southampton on January 9.

The 36-year-old was found to have 54 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, exceeding the legal limit of 35 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath.

He was also found to have no insurance or licence, and was carrying "three bags" of cannabis.

On January 9, Bilip wilfully obstructed a police officer.

Appearing at Southampton Magistrates' Court, he pleaded guilty to one count of drink driving, one count of driving without a licence, one count of driving without insurance, one count of the possession of cannabis and one count of wilfully obstructing a police officer.

Bilip, of Northumberland Road, Southampton, was disqualified from driving for 12 months and fined £900.

He was also ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £90 and court costs of £85.