What on earth can the matter be when it’s come to this? We women find it an ‘inconvenience’ to actually have to even write to complain about the proposed intention to shut the toilets at Barton on Sea.

Women particularly need public toilets - where else are they going to sort out their personal monthly sanitary requirements and where else can they take their children to the toilet and change their babies? We feel the beaches with toilets are more frequented and bring business to those areas.

When the toilets were shut at Hordle Cliffs just after the first lockdown, we frequently found excrement behind our beach huts. Surely this will happen again - not a very pleasant memory.

During this pandemic year, we feel we have lost enough- surely the council can be encouraged to change their minds.

From Sue Kirkpatrick and her ‘Loos Women’ beach hutter friends of Hordle Cliff, Hants