TEN thefts from motor vehicles were reported to police within three days in Southampton.

A post on the Southampton Cops Facebook page had detailed information following a spate of crimes between March 6 and 9.

Items have been taken from vehicles in Derby Road, Queensway, Alfred Street, Lodge Road, Alma Road, Winton Street, Cambridge Road, Devonshire Road, Coleman Street and Union Road.

Two Toyota Auris cars had catalytic converters stolen in Alma Road and Winton Street.

An Audi A3 and a Volkswagen Jetta had their number plates taken whilst parked in Coleman Street and Union Road.

In other cases, items such as loose change, sunglasses and ID documents were taken.

A spokesperson from Hampshire Police said: "We are encouraging anyone who has been affected to report it to us, so we can build up a bigger picture of the areas being targeted and when.

"In addition, if you witnessed anyone acting suspiciously in these areas between these dates, or have CCTV covering these areas that may have caught something, please call 101 and quote 44210087438.

"Some of the vehicles involved had been left unlocked. We take this opportunity to remind motorists to make sure you remove valuables from your vehicle and lock it.

"It is also worth checking that any security lights you may have work, and if you have CCTV make sure it is functioning."