Reading about the actions of the cretins who broke into Marwell Zoo and who actually enjoyed their time abusing those poor animal as much, that they felt it was such a good laugh, they just had to share it on social media, I, like every other normal human being felt sick to the stomach.

What made it even worse, if that was possible, was the fact these numbskulls were aged in their twenties.

Hardly young kiddies, who should, and would have, known better.

John Isaacs on your letters page recently spoke for all of us, on different forms of punishment.

I agree with him, imprisonment would not be appropriate, not only because these days they don't lock people up and throw away the key, but the fact prison would be far too easy on them.

Yes imprison them, but in one of Marwell's enclosures, maybe in with the same tiger, who they took such fun in kicking out at, to frighten it.

Another option, make them stand behind that same fence in the giraffe enclosure where they took great pleasure in lobbing a water bottle at that poor trusting animal.

I'm sure the queue would be never ending, with use 'normal' people bearing our own variety of missiles to lo at them and pay for the privilege, to be able to do so.

A win win situation, those disgusting yobs get a taste of their own medicine and Marwell gets mush needed funds to keep up their great work.

Let toe found put that out on social media...thought not.

S Jones
