Every time I turn a newspaper page, I am inflicted with the update in vicious knife crime.

Ever since the dogooders did away with the death penalty, the upsurge in crime has increased, so that now it is unsafe for anyone to step outside his or her front door.

Once I wrote that there is no deterrent, the police force is understaffed so that you never see one on foot.

As for punishment how bad is that, you read that murderers of the most heinous crimes, are seen walking the streets after a few years, which is distressing to the families of their victims?

The slap on the wrist for drug smugglers, or even the users is a standing laugh.

The force at the moment seem to be intent on making sure that young people walking in the park do not go into a clinch.

It must be recognised that there is big business of serious crime taking up a lot of their time.

The loss is of course, is the protection of the populace.

How many times do you find that the little inconvenience of losing your property due to criminal activities, doesn’t ever get investigated.

You, like me, get a crime number to cherish.

I strongly suspect that the lack of policemen is due to the fact that on the street they are not respected or even safe.

Is it money problems?

This government is throwing billions of pounds into every other subject

Will it get better, I doubt it, we are a nation that accepts violence as a way of life, we don’t know our neighbours anymore.

Let’s face it we’re on our own out here.

Alan Blandford
