I sympathise entirely with the Portersbridge resident who protested about the 'rat-run' situation, which is currently sending vastly more traffic down her street.

However, the answer lies not in re-opening The Hundred, but in welcoming the council consideration of a more permanent closure, allied to a closure of Portersbridge Street to traffic from the Church Street end.

This one-way proposal will increase the safety and reduce the pollution to levels below those of the pre-closure two-way system in that narrow street.

Moreover, The Hundred closure will continue to free-up that space to the benefit of pedestrians and wheel chair users, reduce the danger to people forced off over-crowded pavements into the vehicle flow and drastically reduce pollution levels in the area.

Pedestrian friendly schemes of this nature, to counter the blight of motor traffic, are being considered by cities and towns all over the world.

Why should Romsey lag behind?

V. A. Nixson
