A CHARITY group has reminded rating who’ve lost work due to Covid-19 that funding is available for training and refresher courses to help find employment.

Applications to the Maritime Charities Group Retraining and Redundancy Bursary, which launched in November last year, have been coming in at a steady rate but the response from ratings has been lower than anticipated.

Figures show that over three quarters of successful applications for the fund, which is aimed at UK-based merchant seafarers, came from officers.

The group is now asking for ratings who need support to come forward and take advantage of this funding which now stands at £40k.

Chair of MCG, Commander Graham Hockley LVO RN said: "We want to redress the balance, so we’re sending a message out to ratings that the fund is available to them too. Whether it’s help with job applications and interviews, or funding for a refresher course, the MCG bursary is there for you. Just go to the Marine Society website and apply today.”

Successful applicant Peter Strachan said: "When I heard about the grant I applied straight away for help with the windfarm industry courses. Applying for the fund was easy even for a technophobe like me."