The UK Wide Cycle Ride challenge runs throughout April and is the perfect opportunity for people from Southampton to take their fitness up a gear, while raising money for Diabetes UK along the way.

Challengers can pick from one of five virtual distances, ranging from 120 miles for beginners through to 950 miles for more experienced cyclists, and have the entire month to clock up the mileage.

Cycling is a fantastic way to help you get fit and healthy, to have fun and set yourself a goal.

And with spring on the way, bringing lighter evenings and warmer weather, this challenge comes at the perfect time for anyone looking to saddle up and give it a try.

You can cycle the miles however you wish over the 30 days of April, by embracing the outdoors or staying at home and using an exercise bike.

Or you can do a bit of both.

But please always adhere to the coronavirus restrictions in your area while taking part.

Those taking part will get their own fundraising profile page and can join a Facebook group where challengers discuss their progress and share tips.

There are fundraising incentives, with anyone raising £35 or more receiving a medal.

Diabetes UK-branded neck warmers and cycling jerseys will go to anyone raising £250 and £500 respectively.

There is no registration fee and no minimum sponsorship.

Demand for our services has reached unprecedented levels across the past year and we continue to fight for our aim of a world where diabetes can do no harm.

People with diabetes need us now, and so we need your support to be able to continue that fight.

So please sign up to the UK Wide Cycle Ride at and get pedalling to make every mile count.

Jill Steaton

Regional Head in the South East, Diabetes UK