HAMPSHIRE hospitals are treating more than 270 patients who are suffering with Covid-19, government figures shows.

In the latest data, which shows up to the date of March 9, 278 patients with coronavirus were lying in hospital beds across the county.

Of those, 36 were in mechanical ventilation (MV) beds which are equipped with pumps to help them to breath.

This was down 86 patients since March 2, of which 23 were on ventilators.

The figures also breaks down the data per trust.

On March 9, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust was recorded as having 78 Covid patients currently occupying beds.

This is a drop of 37 since March 2.

The trust noted it was treating 19 patients in MV beds.

The figures also showed that staff are treating a further 697 non-Covid patients, whom are all occupying beds.

Across the county in Portsmouth, the city's trust recorded 165 patients treated on March 9.

This is a drop of 27 in the seven-day period.

Of those, 14 are using MV beds.

The figures also showed that 708 non-Covid patients were occupying beds across the trust.

Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has recorded 28 Covid-19 patients in its hospitals.

This is a drop of 21 since March 2.

The figures showed that, of those, three were occupying MV beds.

As well as this, the trust says that beds were being used by 468 non-Covid patients.

One of the other two trusts in the county, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, recorded three Covid patients in beds across its hospitals.

This is a rise of one during the seven days up to March 9.

At Solent NHS Foundation Trust, staff were treating four patients with Covid.

This was a drop of two since March 2.

The Government also confirmed that no Covid patients at either of those two trusts were occupying MV beds.

However, it was not able to provide information on how many beds were occupied by non-Covid patients at these two trusts.

For last week's figures, click here.