THEY say attack is the best form of defence, a maxim which Labour Councillor John Savage obviously agrees with.

His letter complaining about Royston Smith MP was a typical Labour missive, aiming to confuse the reader about the recent debacle of cycle and bus lanes.

Yes, I agree that the installation of such was a Government initiative with funding provided which was designed to help cities with their traffic plans.

But, the government did not tell the local council where to put these ‘lanes’.

The decisions to reduce Bassett Avenue to single file so that traffic exiting the M3 was able to join a traffic jam, along with installing a cycle lane in Hill Lane when provision for one inside the border of the Common was eminently more sensible was, of course, entirely down to the wisdom of our Labour council.

The stories regarding bus lanes on the Bitterne side of our city and changes to the Bedford Place area have been well rehearsed on these pages.

Disasters all around.

We have Local Elections on May 6, time for change I think.

Let’s vote Conservative and get Southampton moving again.

Linda Norris
