PLANS to build a new bridge over a former railway line in the New Forest have taken another step forward.

Hampshire County Council, which has approved proposals to replace an existing bridge on the busy A35 Lyndhurst to Christchurch road, has appointed a contractor.

As reported in the Daily Echo, work on the multi-million-pound project at Holmsley is due to start towards the end of the summer.

A new bridge will be built alongside the existing one, which will then be removed.

Cllr Rob Humby is deputy leader of the county council and its executive member for economy, transport and environment.

He said: “I am pleased that we have appointed Knights Brown as our contractor to carry out the bridge replacement scheme.

“We’ve been monitoring this bridge since it became the county council’s responsibility in 2012. It has now deteriorated to the point that replacement is the only viable option.

"Last summer we reduced the speed limit, installed temporary barriers and added additional steel supports under the bridge.”

About 380 metres of the A35 will be re-aligned as part of the scheme.

Cllr Humby said: "The new concrete bridge will minimise maintenance costs, while the improvements to the A35 will include enhanced drainage in the area and ensure safer travel on this key route through the New Forest."

Preliminary work will continue between now and the start of the main work, which is scheduled to begin in August.

The county council says "every effort" will be made to minimise disruption and signed diversion routes will be in place.

“We have been working closely and extensively with the New Forest National Park Authority, Verderers, Natural England and Forestry England throughout to make sure this this scheme is carried out sensitively in this unique part of Hampshire," said Cllr Humby.

“Local councillors, nearby residents and local businesses have been contacted and this will continue during the construction phases."

The existing steel bridge was built in 1908. It carries the A35 over a former railway line which closed in 1964 and is now a road from Brockenhurst to Burley.

Cllr Humby said the Old Station Tea Rooms would be open for business throughout the work, subject to Covid restrictions.


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