TODAY marks one year since the first coronavirus cases was recorded in Southampton.

On March 15 last year, the first positive case of Covid-19 was tested in Southampton.

Figures were published by Public Health England at 9am on March 15, 2020.

The Southampton case brought the county's total up to 53 cases.

Now, Hampshire has seen 89,846 cases and 1,864 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

The first positive case in Hampshire was recorded on March 3, 2020.

On March 16, 2020, the first Southampton patient with coronavirus passed away.

The University Hospital Southampton announced that a 69-year-old man who tested positive for COVID-19 had died.

In April, a temporary mortuary was set up at Southampton Airport.

The temporary mortuary was set up on one side of the airfield known as the Grayson Site and it is completely separate from the passenger terminal and airport operations.

At the end of September, Southampton Airport was turned into a mass testing site, replacing the Tipner car park site in Portsmouth.

Finally, on December 8, Second World War veteran Michael Tibbs was the first patient to use Hampshire's vaccine hub at Portsmouth's Queen Alexandra Hospital.

The former Royal Navy man was one of a number of people aged 80 and over who were first to receive the jab.

Michael, of Lynchmere, said: “I didn’t know what to expect, but it’s absolutely wonderful and feel really fortunate to have the vaccination.”

As part of a bid to roll out the two approved vaccines - the Pfizer/BioNTech jab and the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab the 56 sites have opened across the county.

The NHS began vaccinating people on December 7, marking the start of the biggest immunisation programme in history.

Hampshire first local hub was located at Portsmouth University Hospitals Trust - one of the first 50 hubs to be rolled out during the first wave.

Now, across the county, there are 56 vaccine hubs open to the public as part of a bid to tackle the virus.