YOUNG carers across Hampshire are being urged to seek vital support.

Ahead of Young Carers’ Action Day on March 16, Hampshire County Council is urging all young carers in the county to get in touch.

Young carers are aged between five and 16 and look after a family member who needs support due to disability or illness.

Councillor Patricia Stallard, Executive Lead Member for Children’s Services, said: “Young carers often do more in the home than another child of the same age might have to, including nursing and looking after the personal needs of family members such as a parent, sibling or grandparent.

"We estimate that there are more than 5,000 young carers within Hampshire.

“Sadly, young carers of all age groups are more likely to struggle in class and have low attendance due to their caring responsibilities.

"They are likely to be under extra pressure due to the pandemic, so it is now even more important they have the support they need and deserve.

“Schools and Children’s Services do a great job of identifying these young carers and helping them find the right support, but it can be a hidden burden and some young people inevitably don’t get the support they need.

"If you know of a young person in this situation – and they may not even realise they are a young carer – there are local projects all over Hampshire, funded by the County Council, which offer emotional support, and access to practical help and social and leisure opportunities they may otherwise miss out on.

"Please ask them to get in touch with their local organisation.”

Friends and neighbours can help by referring any young carers aged 16 and under to for information about the support available, and how to access it.

Young carers can find out more about the supportive projects in their area on the Hampshire Young Carers Alliance website at

Young adult carers aged 18-25 who look after another adult can find information about support on the County Council’s website at